Pinball Machine Repair

How To Repair Your Pinball Machine

This site is dedicated to those who own, or want to own pinball machines. Information from the basics to advanced repair, maintenance and restoration.

New to This Site?

We have extensive documentation for those new through advanced pinball work.  There is a menu at the top with a breakdown for beginners through advanced.  Or a menu to the side (bottom on mobile view) with a listing of topics.  Or if you prefer, use the search option to look for the topic you are interested in – located at the bottom in mobile view.

Testing Coils

We heard that many people just starting out do not know how to test the many coils in their game, so we responded.  Here is the help you need.

Rebuilding Flippers

EOS closed
EOS Closed

We have recently upgraded our pages on rebuilding flippers – which is the part on a pinball machine that requires the most attention.  

We have also including information on serial vs. parallel coils.

Understand how computer controlled solid state flippers work and how to fix them.

Fix Williams & DE Solenoids

Black Knight
Williams 3-7 Solenoids On

Having issues with Williams System  3 – 7, 9 or 11 solenoids?  Data East solenoids?   We have added extensive information on troubleshooting and how they work.  More information…….

First Tests

D-8345 Power Supply

Your pinball machine has stopped working.  ‘Friends’ tell you to try this, or maybe that, because it worked for them.

STOP – Don’t make that mistake.  Do these simple tests first.  Figure out what is wrong.

This is where most ‘newbies’ mess up.  They hear ‘replace the board’, ‘redo the connectors’, ‘rebuild the power supply’, etc.  These are all good strategies, when there is a reason to.  But don’t do this until you have an idea of what is wrong.  

Jumping in and replacing / fixing stuff without testing first is just being stupid. Don’t fall into this trap.  Do these test first!

Rebuild Your EM Pinball Machine

wiper style stepper
All nice and shiny!

How to rebuild your electromechanical pinball machine so it works like new.  New cleaning and adjusting information for scoring motors, score reels and steppers.  More information….

Introduction to Owning Your Own Pinball Machine

A collection of pins
A Private Collection!

Just starting out?  Here are the basics to owning, using and keeping that pinball machine working.  Be sure to put in a new pinball annually.  Didn’t know that?
An introduction……Williams WPC fuses

More basic stuff, from removing the pinballs, replacing the battery, testing fuses.  And a new ‘how to solder’ tutorial!

Buying A Pinball Machine

Solid State
A SS pinball machine

Thinking about buying that pinball machine you have always been interested in?  Going to an auction?  eBay?  Craigs List?   What to look for?   How much to pay? 

This is what you need to know, and how not to be taken advantage of.  Included is a handy checklist to take with you.  More information….

Advanced Information

Rebuilding Flippers
Rebuilding Flippers

Already own a pinball machine, but looking for information on converting to LEDs, rebuilding flippers, the correct way to adjust switches, etc.  Fix those old light sockets so that they work.  All that is here in easy to follow step-by-step directions.   Advanced information…

For the Semi-Pro

Have you been working on your pinball machine for a while, but want to learn about using a digital probe, the proper way to crimp, how to get rid of those batteries (NVRAM, memory caps, watch batteries), or build your own rotisserie?  It is all  here.  Or troubleshoot those Williams or DE solenoids – lots of detailed info on how they work.

EM Repair

Reel Disassembled
Reel Disassembled for Cleaning

We have on staff one of the world experts on EM repair, plus how to overhaul those old EM’s so that they almost never break down.  From a basic introduction, to cleaning and repairing score reels so they snap like new.  How to overhaul and rebuild the score motor and steppers.


Hurricane Playfield Plastics
New Hurricane Plastics

Make your own playfield plastics, repair the playfield with decals or paint.  Disassemble, clean, and restore so the playfield plays like new.  Rebuild the flippers, fix those light sockets, adjust the switches and replace the rubber rings. Have a beat up cabinet?  Scan, edit the artwork and make slide or vinyl decals to fix the damage.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Do you want information on how to repair your machine?   Or a repair person?  Parts?  There is information here in the links and other resources.  We try to be helpful, but there are limitations – we don’t have the time to answer all the questions we get. Please see  answers to frequently asked questions for more information.